,gg, ,gggggggg, i8""8i d8P""""""Y8b, `8,,8' 88,_a `8b `88' gg `Y8P" 88 dP"8, "" 88 dP' `8a gg ,gggg,gg d8' ,gggg,gg ,gggg,gg dP' `Yb 88 dP" "Y8I _,d8' dP" "Y8I dP" "Y8I _ ,dP' I8 88 i8' ,8I d8888ba, i8' ,8I i8' ,8I "888,,____,dP_,88,_,d8, ,d8I "Y88b,,d8, ,d8b,,d8, ,d8I a8P"Y88888P" 8P""Y8P"Y8888P"888 ,d8888P"Y8888P"`Y8P"Y8888P"888 ,d8I' ,8P" 88 ,d8I' ,dP'8I d8' 88 ,dP'8I ,8" 8I d8' ,88 ,8" 8I I8 8I 88 d8' I8 8I `8, ,8I Y8,_ _,8P `8, ,8I Version 99 bravo `Y8P" "Y888P" `Y8P" Thankyou for downloading SigZag! This program will help you create your own personalized signature quickly and easily. There are almost 7,000 pieces of ascii art for you to choose from - including animals, comics, and just about any thing else! It also allows you to use thousands of taglines, and there are 135 figlet fonts -which create ascii text like that above. SigZag won't only help you create an excellent signature... you can also use it to create entire ascii texts, allowing you to embed pictures throughout emails et cetera. Have a look at "The Great Ascii Art Library" while your online, http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/4942/ascii.htm. Theres dozens of links to ascii related websites and programs. You can also download updates to SigZag, and any new libraries or fonts. Include with this package are two more programs. "Sliver" is a utility which will let you quickly search through all the ascii art included with SigZag, and copy the art you want. You will also find "Sled" - SigZag's Library Editor. This utility will let you create your own custom SigZag libraries to distribute. You will be able to create libraries of ascii art which will let you access any piece of art you want instantly! ==================================================================== ==================================================================== This program is freeware. It may be distributed freely with the only exception being that all original files are included unmodified. ==================================================================== ==================================================================== To Install Installation is easy - Just click on setup.exe. The default and recommended directory is c:\SigZag. ==================================================================== Known Bugs * Non yet ==================================================================== Reporting Bugs: I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could tell me any bugs ye have found. Make sure you tell me your operating system and so on, and of course, as much about the bug as you can. ==================================================================== W H A T ' S N E W -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 99 alpha * SigZag is now 32 bit! * No more updates of the 16 bit sigzag will happen. * Added a hot key to delete an object (ALT+right click) -------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0 * Made SigZag mould itself to the current screen size. * You can now resize the work size of the signature (ie greater then the screen size). * There's now a previous file list in the file menu. * Added better 3 dimensional controls. * Added unmodify, and unmove options. * Improved graphic editor in SigZag. -------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4 * Added the ability to have multiple undos. * Added the option to turn off the splash screen for registered users. -------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.3 * Fixed up a bug in Sled - Deleting the 2nd category crashed the program and made the library unreadable. -------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.2 New in SigZag: * New choices in file menu to open SigZag's Library Editor, and to show the current signature in notepad. * New choice in Add menu to draw in your own art. * New section in help file showing the Hotkeys. * New section in help file - A tutorial for sled. * Added hotkey to copy a graphic. Bug Fixes: * There was a small bug in the Zag signature file where characters sometimes went missing. * When editing pictures (in SigZag and Sled), just entering a few spaces crashed the program. Doh! ==================================================================== You can contact me at: james.dill@technologist.com I hope you enjoy this program. ====================================================================